Saturday, September 11, 2010

About that time again

Its getting cold and I have a new personal mission for ET and its partners (A Clique Music Group & 4 Ore Production Company). I know you guys have been waiting for more designs and I PROMISE to be pushing out a design a week minimum. (if it will be sold or not will be up to level of interest)
I will be selling shirts through (maybe) soon so the blog is the best place to influence what makes the racks! I want to take some time to shoutout all the artist still pushing a movement of personal and artist progress for the city.

Click here to see 40 great shirt designs from my favorite site:

Next post will have more substance, just had to let yall know im still alive and kicking.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Its your pick!

Greetings followers and supporters CEO here needed your help!
While the team is in the lab working on the spring shirt collection i felt that I should drop at least one of the slow leak shirts in Feb.
So the just of it is between :
Love Terrorist We The People
Comment and vote please, one with most votes will get released 1st in February!!!

We working hard for the releases, stay posted!