Friday, November 20, 2009

Pacing your self....

Whats good Followers?

Today the site is almost functioning and ready to promote. We have 3 shirts who will have there release date on Christmas so hit up to check them out and pre order.

Now in other news, I have been realizing that one person dream is just that "one mans dream." One of the hardest things to do is share it with another person...let alone 3-5. With my personal goals always being ridiculously high and feeling that something is NEVER enough, I had to step back and calm down my thoughts. The team is strong so im sure we will take off very well.
One of my Frat brothers told me to "just do me, dont worry about competition because when people look at people in there field the tend to emulate." I agree with part of it, but when you are trying to make it to the top, why not trace there steps, or at least note how they progressed. Since we are starting from the bottom, all bootstrapped, no help, it makes it hard to sleep when you know you could, but your not making money...

Kinda hard to sprint when your waist deep in water...

Here is a lil concept art I was working on...might be a shirt after I polish it a bit. I was riding the bus and saw two guys around my age saggin their pants to their kneecaps...kinda stupid. I felt like an old man when i thought of this idea...


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